note for potential readers: this year I’m challenging myself to create and release work consistently with all its imperfections. i’m sure i’ve made some misspellings despite my best efforts and missed some points i meant to touch but nonetheless i am adding my voice to a conversation and I hope
Read MoreI’ve been busy since the last time I checked in with a writing update. Thousands of words have been scribbled under my pen, despite a hectic work life and I’m really stoked to talk about what I’ve been working on.
Read MoreThe October through December season has always been weirdly fruitful for me creatively. I’m usually stressed out, busy and following an odd sleep schedule but I’m also lost in my head. I forget people’s names from family members to friends in favor of characters. I leave this world and all
Read MoreIt’s snowing outside again(ugh), so I figured, it’s time to sit down with a cup of tea and talk about how my writing is going. My goal this month was already ridiculous. The plan was (and still is) to write 80,000 words this December. Then this past Saturday, I
Read MoreEvery November during NaNoWriMo, I test a variety of writing websites and softwares, particularly those that are online. They’re run through their paces as I pull out hefty word counts in short amounts of time. Here are the pros and cons for five of the websites I tried this
Read MoreWhen it comes to writing challenges like NaNoWriMo, I’m infamous for waiting until the last minute to come up with story ideas and plans. Last year (I won with 51.8k) I was scrambling five hours before the events officially started in the East Coast, slapping together a story idea based
Read MoreBefore we start I want to say, ‘congratulations’. You wrote for thirty days, give or take a handful. You created a habit. NaNoWriMo is over, the tough part is now keeping the habit. I’m creatively drained. My head pounds a little when I think too hard about plot. My fingers
Read MoreWhen I first had the idea to write this post series, it was because I was switching my blog over to a site. As I was switching things over I was rereading all of my blog posts from NaNoWriMo last year. A lot of that time was spent cringing
Read MoreThe month before NaNoWriMo is always filled with writers who are doing NaNoWriMo ‘the right way’ (aka those who spend the entire month of October outlining and learning about their characters.) and writers who believe NaNoWriMo is an unforgivable act against God. They run their mouths to anyone who will
Read MoreNaNoWriMo is when a bunch of writers get together on the internet and in real life (sometimes) to write 50k (or more) during the month of November. That’s the official paraphrased definition of NaNoWriMo. The first question I always get asked is, why? Followed by, are you crazy? No – well, maybe.
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