The October through December season has always been weirdly fruitful for me creatively. I’m usually stressed out, busy and following an odd sleep schedule but I’m also lost in my head. I forget people’s names from family members to friends in favor of characters. I leave this world and all
Read MoreWhen it comes to writing challenges like NaNoWriMo, I’m infamous for waiting until the last minute to come up with story ideas and plans. Last year (I won with 51.8k) I was scrambling five hours before the events officially started in the East Coast, slapping together a story idea based
Read MoreBefore we start I want to say, ‘congratulations’. You wrote for thirty days, give or take a handful. You created a habit. NaNoWriMo is over, the tough part is now keeping the habit. I’m creatively drained. My head pounds a little when I think too hard about plot. My fingers
Read MoreThe month before NaNoWriMo is always filled with writers who are doing NaNoWriMo ‘the right way’ (aka those who spend the entire month of October outlining and learning about their characters.) and writers who believe NaNoWriMo is an unforgivable act against God. They run their mouths to anyone who will
Read MoreNaNoWriMo is when a bunch of writers get together on the internet and in real life (sometimes) to write 50k (or more) during the month of November. That’s the official paraphrased definition of NaNoWriMo. The first question I always get asked is, why? Followed by, are you crazy? No – well, maybe.
Read MoreIt’s the last day of NaNoWriMo. Some of us have finished and are writing on, others are finishing, some have given up and some of us are still plodding on with our stories even though we have no chance of finishing in time. No matter where you are I’d like
Read MoreI don’t have much to say this week as we enter the last three precious days of the month. All of my words have been eaten by NaNoWriMo and it’s beginning to take a bit of a toll on my mind. I’m exhausted. On the plus side, my typing fingers
Read MoreWe’ve entered the final stretch of the NaNoWriMo month, only eight more days left to complete and validate our word counts. So many have already finished, some of us are only a few thousand away and others of us are still stuck in the middle. No matter where you are
Read MoreWe are halfway through NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), a international event whee thousands of writers try to pound out 50,000 words in 30 days. I know, we’re a bit crazy and we’re probably all going to need rehab for the amount of caffeine that we’ve consumed so far. Oops!
Read MoreHey Guys! I’m just going to combine the recap for our first week of NaNoWriMo with my day six word count stats (bottom of the post). Grab a cup of water and hydrate your self as you read, I have a bit to say and I also care for your
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