Whittle the Words Down – Writing Update
The last time I purposefully talked about writing – my occasional complaints and anecdotes on twitter don’t count – was last November: NaNoWriMo. I ended the month fifty-two thousand words strong adding a third novel to my streak of NaNoWriMo wins. I think it’s time for a writing update as I whittle the words down.
Writing ‘the end’ on the novel has passed, as has the month of December and, I’ve cracked open it’s dusty pages to critique. For the past month, I’ve been trudging my way through an outline for this book and it’s sister – they’re part of a series. I’m trying to figure out what I can chop – spoiler alert: there’s a lot that’s got to go – and what I need to add while revisiting poorly written paragraphs that sometimes peter off into nothingness and sit rank among the well-written prose of better days. I cringe. Wince. Laugh.
My writing has seen better days.
But an amazing discord writing group (Run by Scertiz on Twitter – he’s also the architect behind Do You Even Comic Book, #SWRepMatters, has his own comic Scorpio, and an awesome website where you can learn more. He’s a pretty stellar guy to write with and talk to.) has kept me encouraged and accountable, so I keep chugging on. I also have a few friends in my tangible world who send waves of confused support my way. They may not understand what’s going on but they have hugs and ‘i’m choosing to sit here with you on the couch while you gape at your computer and ignore me’ which is priceless.
Most of the two books is solid. I think I can happily and accurately make that statement. Yeah, my writing’s not on point but the scenes do what they need to do and the plot is there. My dialogue needs some variety, inflection and shoring up. And in the wake of my drafting out of order, everything needs to be put into it’s proper place. But… I have first drafts that are very useable. So I may be dragging my feet into the edit but once I get into the swing of it again, I should be fine.
I only have a few goals in writing this year:
#1 – Write the entirety of this sci-fi series/trilogy
(and edit 2/3 to 1/2 of it)
When I first started this story’s journey in October 2016, I was building the backbone of the plot on one character: Deborah, inspired by a sermon about the biblical Deborah at my then home church. Now it’s 2019, I’m two novels down, (written out of order of course) eight other characters are in this journey, and a vibrant world was built on the foundations of corruption, murder and greed. A fair amount of ground has been covered in these first two novels, leaving me to question whether any more than a third book is needed to tie all the little threads satisfactorily.
These stories have actually helped me deal with and process the nightmare that has been Trump’s presidency and the american state of politics. So it’s a comfort to be wrapping up this roller coaster as, hopefully, we wrap up Trump’s term as president. But if he’s in for another long term: I have my keyboard, my pencil and paper, and I can write my way through the frustration and the tears as I did this time. That’s the wonderful magical power of stories and it’s one of the reasons I write. There’s a grapple, a realization, an acceptance and a spark that ignites to keep us moving forward. Writing won’t die so long as we are human. So long as we have these human needs.
#2 – Engage in writing chats again on Twitter
I had this goal last year too but while I attempted to join chats multiple times, I believe there were only three or four that I was able to see to completion due to the hecticness of my schedule. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to schedule in dedicated time to spend with other writers interacting and chatting but even if I’m not able to, I will be promoting my favorite writing chats whenever I can on Twitter.
#3 – Revisit old ideas & stories
I want to crack open a few more of those dusty ideas I’ve had waiting to be written, in my mind and on little lost colorful post-it notes.
There’s a sequel to 2017’s NaNoWriMo novel that wants to see the light of day. A historical fantasy trilogy has been poking at my brain for attention again after a few years. I started a YA book about dealing with depression back in 2014 or 2015: ‘Let Me Write Your Happy Ending’ that I think I’m finally ready to finish. And a superhero novel has been in and out of my writing hands for three years now. Not every story is an easy write. I want this year to be the year I finish the first draft.
There are another twenty or so novels and short stories that I’ve had crowding the insides of my brain and I want to dedicate time to getting them out and on paper this year. My goal isn’t to get every story out, but maybe five more.Not quite cukoo, yet. I think just clearing five more out will give my brain some breathing and growing space for all the writing I have yet to do.
Part of this also means I need to be dedicated to writing on this blog: consistently publishing posts and keeping my mind active in little chunks of writing too. So this past month has also been getting ahead of that and scheduling drafts for future publication.
I’ve heaped a lot on my plate writing-wise this year but I’m ready for the challenge. It’s time to push myself again. 2019 is a year I’m slowly grabbing by the reigns. We’re making things happen this year.
See ya next writing update!